Reconstructive Surgery and Wound Management of the Dog and Cat - Jolle Kirpensteijn - Gert Ter Haar - 9781840761634 - Le Point Vété
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Description du produit

The authors describe and illustrate step by step all currently available procedures for reconstructive surgical techniques in dogs and cats with skin defects caused by injury or tumour resection. The reader is given the widest possible range of treatment options for dealing with individual cases. After describing a new protocol for wound management in companion animals, and general, avascular and microvascular reconstructive techniques, the authors deal with specific techniques region by region : head and eyelids, neck and trunk, forelimb and hind limb. This book is an accessible overview and a source of practical help to improve treatment. It incorporates concise text, precise instructions and a wealth of top-quality colour images. It is of value to veterinary practitioners and students alike.
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